© 2020 Tulsa German Shepherds
Tulsa German Shepherds is for people interested in German Shepherd Dogs that love this wonderful breed of dog. We are not affiliated with with any dog club. German Shepherd lovers walk their dogs each week at a Tulsa area park.
Weekly Walks and Training Every Sunday at 10am we gather at a local park. This is a great time to see friends, swap stories, exercise our dogs, share experiences, and brush up on our training. We like to think of it at a nice relaxed get-together. Every two months, or so, we change parks.
Support provided by the following:
Howlaween 1 Oct 2017 2019 GSDS swimB 2019 GSDS swimc Pick it up Pick it up  GSD Facemask
© 2019 Tulsa German Shepherds
Tulsa German Shepherds is for people interested in German Shepherd Dogs that love this wonderful breed of dog. We are not affiliated with with any dog club. German Shepherd lovers walk their dogs each week at a Tulsa area park.
Weekly Walks and Training Every Sunday at 10am we gather at a local park. This is a great time to see friends, swap stories, exercise our dogs, share experiences, and brush up on our training. We like to think of it at a nice relaxed get-together. Every two months, or so, we change parks.
Support provided by the following:
Howlaween Oct 2017 GSD 2019 swim 2019 GSDS swimc Pick it up